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International Women’s Day: A few questions

Earlier today, Jim took the occasion of International Women’s Day (IMD) to honor the women [1] who have made a difference in his life as well as conservative female leaders (and bloggers! – hey, we’re leaders too, right?) across the Commonwealth and the United States.

My life has also been shaped by strong, effective, and truly impressive women. Women who encouraged me to go to college, mentored me, hired me, befriended me and dropped joy into my life by their very presence. Names run through my mind: Joyce, Sharon, Katy, Jor, Kristy, Lauren, Suzanne, Anne, and so many more… Abigail Adams is one of my top historical heroes. I’d soon run out of words if I tried to explain the incredible impact these women have had on me.

I’m blogging on International Women’s Day, because I’ve got a few thoughts to share and a few questions to ask. As a woman, I’m convinced that the most important thing about a woman is not her sexual characteristics, but her character. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that every woman’s life is valuable, created to image God. As a conservative who believes in equal opportunity, I’m passionate about removing the state erected barriers that prevent a woman from following her dreams and using her gifts to make a better life for herself and those she loves.

Unfortunately, for the left, International Women’s Day is not so much about honoring women as it is about imposing an ideology of entitlement and abortion rights on all women and men. As one Daily Kos diarist [2]notes, IMD was originally a project of the Socialist Party. It was recognized by the United Nation’s in 1975 and, since then, by numerous countries. Today, in tweets, op-eds, blog posts, talk shows, etc, IWD is being used to promote leftist policy goals and celebrate those who champion them as “pro-woman.”

Not so fast, please – I have just a few questions for my fellow Americans on the left:

Why is it that being pro-woman is often reduced to an ideology of abortion-rights, government handouts, and sex-based set aside policies?

Why is a man considered pro-woman if he drives his pregnant girlfriend to the abortion clinic but sexist if he asks to marry her, stand by her and raise a family with her?

Why was Bill Clinton celebrated and protected by women on the left but Sarah Palin ignored or villified?

How come it’s wrong when Rush Limbaugh calls a woman “sl*t” but a-ok when Bill Maher calls a woman a “c*nt”?

Which policy is more pro-woman: requiring that a certain percent of all government contracts be awarded to woman owned businesses or eliminating the capital gains tax and reducing unnecessary government regulations which prevent both men and women from building their businesses and creating more jobs?

Internationally, which policy is more important to you: changing attitudes toward domestic violence [3] or ensuring that women have access to abortion?

Fact #1: Women’s economic opportunity [4] is declining in the U.S. Fact #2: the Obama administration is willing to violate the rights of conscience of faith-based organizations (many of which are led by women [5]) in order to bestow “free” contraception on women. Are the President’s priorities a little skewed?

For more evidence of how ideology – not gender – makes women worth celebrating to the left, take a look at the reactions of two Democrat lawmakers to abusive sexual language directed at Sarah Palin. Can you feel the hostile silence? CAUTION: offensive words used.

I rest my case.

No, wait a minute – I’m not done yet.

I want to celebrate the men who have who encouraged me to be all I could be, helped me go to college, mentored me, hired me, and befriended me. Here’s to so many great guys who have made a difference in my life, including Scott, Paul, Robert, Ken, Dick, Bob, our own J.R. Hoeft, and most of all, my husband, Ryan. You have a thing or two to show the left about what being “pro-woman” really looks like.