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Fallujah, rude gestures and abortion protestors

Over at the Family Foundation blog, our friend Steve Rossie has a great find [1] on one of the more prominent faces to emerge from the recent spate of abortion protests:

Remember Margaret Doyle? She catapulted into the national limelight two weeks ago as the face of the pro-abortion movement in Virginia when the Mainstream Media in a rare, candid instant, caught her in a rage over pro-life legislation, baring her fangs and trying to barrel through a Capitol Police officer to confront Delegate Bob Marshall (R-10, Prince William). The photo was posted on the Richmond Times-Dispatch web site instantly and we posted it that morning (see here) [2]. It went viral and the T-D, almost embarrassed that it exposed the true disposition of the pro-abortion faction, published a fluff piece on Ms. Doyle by the next morning’s hard copy edition [3], explaining that she, well, you know, really isn’t like that — that, in fact, she is a lovable, sweet, popular catering company owner who just happened to get caught up in the passion of the moment.

I’ve no doubt that she is all those things. But as Steve discovers, there’s more to the story than the RTD, or anyone else, has reported:

It seems that when Ms. Doyle is in the solitude and comfort of her own home, where she has an opportunity to pause and reflect, you know, just chill, she, uhhhhhh . . . is filled with perpetual rage! Here are the contents of an e-mail she sent a pro-life legislator:

What a disgusting, disgraceful and vile pig you are — the women of Virginia(except for the Christians that drink your kool-aid) have been pushed back to the dark ages because of you and Bob Marshall — shame on you for being a foot soldier in the war on women — once you come up for air after giving the governor a b!@#-j0%, you will be able to see how dangerous you really are — how does it feel to be an accessory to state-mandated molestation — at least you’re not an accessory to rape anymore — go to hell you f!#$!^+ monster!

Steve has posted the photos, including Ms. Doyle’s one-fingered salute to the same legislator who received the note above, as well.

I look forward to the RTD’s follow-up story.

Oh wait, the editorial page has already sorta gone there…comparing the police response to the weekend abortion protest to a scene from Fallujah [4]:

Police officers decked out like combat patrols in Fallujah send a far different, far more threatening message: that they have come not to protect and to serve, but to command and to conquer. Saturday’s events in the capital of Virginia stain a state with a reputation as the cradle of democracy.

Not exactly the sort of follow-up I had in mind. But kudos to the RTD for some class “A” trolling.

And a note to the Greeks: Virginia has bought your long-held title to “cradle of democracy.” Please apply the proceeds to your government debt.