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Will this be the year free speech dies in Australia?

“Elections matter.” We hear that over and over again (and a few of us actually say it), but most Americans largely ignore it. Even many active in politics discount the upcoming November (on the assumption they’re going to lose) in favor of future elections. We now have clear, unadulterated evidence of just how important elections are in Australia.

The current government there – a Labor “minority” government in Parliament that relies on the Greens and left-wing independents to maintain a one-seat edge in the lower house – has imposed a carbon tax despite promising to voters in 2010 that it never would. Now, in a desperate attempt to stave off relentless criticism for their ineptness and deceit, the Laborites put together a press inquiry that has essentially called for the end of free speech Down Under.

Labor never talked about killing freedom of speech during the campaign – but I’m guessing you knew that already.

Among the other interesting notes:

In other words, the international left wing has dropped its guard, and American lefties are now egging on their Australian brethren to silence opponents in the name of their doubly-reinforced, waxed, and super-shiny bubble, what they term “good government.”

That this is happening at all is bad enough; that Americans have a hand in it – however indirect – is despicable.

Cross-posted to the right-wing liberal [5]