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A “General Assembly Glossary”

And now to lighten the mood, Steve Rossie (channeling his inner Ambrose Bierce) offers what I hope is just the beginning of a “General Assembly Glossary [1].” Snip:

This bill is not ready for prime time.

Real meaning: You really did a HORRIBLE job with this bill! How dare you waste this committee’s time with such a piece of junk? Go back to your office and DO NOT return the rest of session! Alternative meaning: How dare you ask me to vote on this and expose who I really am to my constituents?

This bill is a solution in search of a problem.

Reaction to a bill by committee members who can’t fathom changing whatever the bill is trying change. Alternative meaning: Reaction by committee members suspicious that the patron has statewide ambitions and want to cut him or her down a peg.

Go read the rest, and, for the lobbyists in the audience, suggest a few of your own.