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HB462 Is Not Going Away…

Babies: Offensive To Democrats, a Hate Crime, and A Threat To Civilization

Bearing Drift feels so strongly about this common sense sonogram bill [2] — we’re holding some feet to the fire.

Tired of “conservative” Republicans promising common sense legislation only to gun them down on the floor once the liberals start whining and complaining about “dragging us back to the 1950’s” and other nonsense?

Of course, we were told things would change with a Republican-led Senate.

Are they lying to us?

HB 462 would allow a woman to see a sonogram of her baby before she was pushed into the decision of having an abortion — or keeping her child.

Bearing Drift and our 40,000 readers a month consist of the movers and shakers, activists, and donors for the conservative movement in Virginia.  

They want to know.  What’s changed with the Virginia Senate?

HB 462 is our first true test.  No exucses, no compromise.  And we’ll be watching.

[Ed. Note: SB 484 [3], a duplicate bill to HB 462, passed the Senate and is now being debated on the House floor – with likely passage considering HB 462 easily passed. So, the below chart is updated based on the votes taken in the Senate on Senator Jill Vogel’s SB 484]

 Senator  SB484 (Sonogram Bill)  Bearing Drift Rating
 Barker Nay 0%
 Black Yea 100%
 Blevins Yea 100%
 Carrico Yea 100%
 Colgan Yea 100%
 Deeds Nay 0%
 Ebbin Nay 0%
 Edwards Nay 0%
 Favola Nay 0%
 Garrett Yea 100%
 Hanger Yea 100%
 Herring Nay 0%
 Howell Nay 0%
 Locke Nay 0%
 Lucas Did Not Vote
 Marsden Nay 0%
 Marsh Nay 0%
 Martin Yea 100%
 McDougle Yea 100%
 McEachin Nay 0%
 McWaters Yea 100%
 Miller, J. Nay 0%
 Miller, Y. Nay 0%
 Newman Yea 100%
 Norment Yea 100%
 Northam Nay 0%
 Obenshain Yea 100%
 Petersen Nay 0%
 Puckett Yea 100%
 Puller Nay 0%
 Reeves Yea 100%
 Ruff Yea 100%
 Saslaw Nay 0%
 Smith Yea 100%
 Stanley Yea 100%
 Stotsch Yea 100%
 Stuart Yea 100%
 Holtzman-Vogel Yea 100%
 Wagner Yea 100%
 Watkins Nay 0%

Bearing Drift will continue to add more legislation from its 2012 Agenda and other bills as they move through both chambers, so a House of Delegates version of this will be forthcoming.


However… the problem isn’t in the House… this list will be updated.