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The President unveils his Ministry of Truth

According to this [1] WaPo report, the President has created a “Truth Team” which will, in DPVA chairman Brian Moran’s words, serve an a corrective to “‘the Republicans and their special interest allies [who] have already launched unfounded, dishonest attacks to try to smear the President’s record.'”

“Unfounded,” “dishonest” and “smears.” Yes, well, so much for that new tone and whatnot.

But who are the members of this super hero-like band of truth tellers? It’s important, you know, because unvarnished truth is such a rare commodity in politics, they could take their gig on the road to clear up any number of falsehoods and fantasies. Sort of like “Mythbusters,” but without the explosions…

Gerry Connolly. Bobby Scott. Jim Moran. Don McEachin. Louise Lucas…20 folks in all.

Okay, nevermind. Given this line-up, they are closer to a Ministry of Truth [2] than much else.

The real fun will be seeing which one aims for the coveted Baghdad Bob prize in truth telling in the face of certain defeat.