Kaine’s campaign “doesn’t rely on special interests”?

Mike Henry, campaign manager for Tim Kaine for U.S. Senate, mailed out a campaign email this afternoon that caught my attention.

Entitled, “BREAKING: The Cavalry Strikes Again,” Henry entreats potential Kaine backers to donate funds because outside groups are supposedly going to run ads that criticize Kaine’s record.

Henry likely fears ads that will be critcal of Kaine as DNC chair championing ObamaCare when he said it will “go down in history as one of the great achievements of this president” and his attempted release of a notorious murderer, Jens Soering, after only two years of prison despite receiving two life sentences, in order to save the Commonwealth money.

I can see why Henry would be a little nervous having that record exposed.

But what takes the cake was this whopper delivered in the middle of the email:

“This campaign doesn’t rely on special interests with deep pockets. We’re relying on you.”

I about fell out of my chair.

Is this the same Kaine campaign that has:

1) An AFL-CIO endorsement
2) Colluded with LCV
3) $5k a plate DC fundraisers with Chuck Schumer
4) Gone hat-in-hand to Hollywood’s left of the left

Maybe those “deep pockets” don’t count. Or maybe Virginia Democrats ought to consider their alternatives.

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