For homeschoolers who are interested in passage of HB 947 [1], also known as the “Tebow Bill,” [2] there’s a chance it could fail in the vote coming to the House floor as early at Tuesday.
Have you called your delegate to ask that he or she vote YES for HB 947? Please click here to contact your Delegate today and urge him or her to vote in favor of HB 947. [3]
The excitement that followed [4] the bill’s passage out of the House Education committee is now receding as concern grows that a large number of Republican delegates will not vote to pass the bill so it can go to the Senate. Please take five minutes to email or phone your delegate.
The Family Foundation [5] has covered this bill, patroned by Del. Rob Bell, and today sent out an alert:
This bill is a top priority for The Family Foundation this year. It is scheduled to be voted on by the full House of Delegates mid-week.
HB 947, a bill patroned by Delegate Rob Bell (R-58, Charlottesville), has been amended with a “sunset” provision, which would require the General Assembly to act again in 2017 to perpetuate this additional freedom should it pass this year. In essence, all we are asking for is a try out period for home school kids to try out! This bill doesn’t force any home school student to participate in any activity. It simply requires that the Virginia High School League allow home school students to try out for sports teams or public schools can’t contract with VHSL. The bill also requires home school students who participate to meet the disciplinary requirements and allows for families to be charged any fees associated with participation.
Local school systems could also add other academic or disciplinary requirements.
The children of families who pay taxes that support the local public schools and are part of our communities continue to be denied the ability to try out for an activity that they are funding for the simple reason that they are home schooled. This discriminatory practice must end. Several other states have such freedom and have made it work – Virginia can too!
After years of facing defeat by way of procedural gymnastics and behind-the-scenes maneuvers, this legislation finally passed the House Education committee last week and will finally be voted on in the House of Delegates this week, but we need you to urge your Delegate to support the measure.
Opponents such as the VHSL, the Virginia Education Association (VEA), and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are doing all that they can to prevent this bill from passing. Your voice is critical to the success of this bill. Thank you in advance for your support!
Please circulate this information with your fellow homeschoolers and support groups, and through phone trees and email alerts.
There are many reasons why homeschool students [4] should be allowed to participate in public school sports.
A sports access bill has never made it this far through the House before. Let’s be sure every delegate — especially the Republicans — hear from us. Who knows how many Tim Tebows may be out there in homeschool circles in Virginia waiting to be recruited? Let’s urge our legislators to give them a chance. Vote YES for HB 947.
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