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Protesting the Super Bowl

Indiana may very soon become the 23rd right to work state. That prospect has local union members and their leaders upset, so much so that some of them may decide to picket [1] outside this Sunday’s Super Bowl in Indianapolis:

Already, dozens of protesters have demonstrated at the Super Bowl Village, passing out literature on the right-to-work bill, according to police. They are a hodgepodge of union members and people from Occupy movements based in various Indiana communities.

Planned demonstrations for Sunday still hinge on the fate of the right-to-work bill, said Jeff Harris, a representative of the AFL-CIO here. He said the group’s members likely would continue to hand out leaflets around the event and that other groups may picket the game on Sunday.

But some union members weren’t waiting around for the higher ups to tell them what to do. Tim Janko, a steelworker from northwest Indiana said he’d be in front of the stadium on game day. “I’m going to picket the Super Bowl because this is wrong,” he said. “I’m going to have a Teamster drive me into town.”

Somehow, I don’t think this will end well.

The game, that is. New England just looks too good right now.