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What Ever Happened To AFP-VA?

Remember the days when AFP-VA saw a tax hike, an infringement, or an unfunded mandate… and did this to it?

Yeah… me too.

Those were the days when Ben “the Apache” Marchi was running the joint [1].

Back in 2007, Marchi wasn’t well liked… by tax-hikers.  But he left behind a machine.  Morgan Griffith would probably not be a representative without AFP-VA’s help.  HB 3202 would probably be law without AFP-VA’s resistance.

So what happened to AFP-VA?

This year, we haven’t seen any activity out of these guys.  You used to get mail, robocalls, scorecards — THE BUS — all sorts of activity out of AFP-VA.  The last time I saw AFP in action?  Was when they took George Allen out on tour about a year ago… and Marchi was there with them.

This isn’t to blow smoke up Marchi’s skirt (other folks can do that for him).  But when Virginia loses it’s primary anti-tax voice in Richmond, something is seriously wrong.  Club for Growth is gone, AFP-VA is kaput.

Who’s looking out for us in Richmond, guys?