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Perry supporters jumping ship in South Carolina

State Sen. Larry Grooms, a top South Carolina supporter of Texas Gov. Rick Perry, is telling him to pack it in [1]:

“With only days to go before the South Carolina Primary, it is apparent that Governor Perry cannot win and has no viable strategy in moving forward. Remaining in the race at this point only serves to steer votes away from viable candidates.”

Which candidate does Grooms seem to believe is viable? Former Sen. Rick Santorum.

There’s no indication Perry intends to quit the race, as he has appealed [2] the district court ruling that barred him and three other candidates (including the now-defunct Jon Huntsman effort) from the Virginia primary ballot.

Still, should Perry do poorly in South Carolina, and the RCP average [3] has him locked in what is now last place, Perry’s might be the next campaign to fold up its tent and go home.

It would be quite a fall. Just four months ago [4], Perry played to a very large and enthusiastic crowd in downtown Richmond. I noted at the time that he seemed comfortable and confident in his role as the then-frontrunner in the race.

It seems like a lifetime ago.