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Rigell Slaps Buffett

Warren Buffett, who famously (though speciously) remarked that his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes than he does, made news again when he told TIME [1] magazine that he would match, dollar for dollar, contributions by Republican members of Congress that are over their required tax bill in order to reduce national debt. This somewhat sardonic challenge was issued after he criticized the “Buffett Rule [2]” introduced by Sen. John Thune, which proposes a new section on tax forms in which individuals may indicate a separate additional contribution toward the debt.

But wait!

Virginia’s very own Scott Rigell (2nd District) has already been doing that since he was elected, granting to the government an additional 15% of his salary over that which was contractually agreed to (i.e., taxed). In 2011, he “donated” over $23,000; in 2012, he estimates it will be closer to $26,000.

Rigell smartly and deftly returned the ball into Buffett’s court by asking him to retroactively match previous contributions.

In response to Buffett’s challenge, Mr. Rigell had this [3] to say:

“Dear Mr. Buffett,

I appreciate and gladly accept your generous offer to match contributions that Republican Members of Congress make to pay down the federal debt. I voluntarily contribute 15% of my Congressional salary to pay down the debt, which amounted to $23,103.33 in 2011. My contribution in 2012 will be approximately $26,100.

Please let me know what documentation you require to fulfill the offer. In the hope that your offer is retroactive, I have enclosed a copy of my federal pay stub which reflects my after-tax contribution in 2011 to the United States Treasury.

Though we differ on tax policy, as fellow Americans and businessmen I know that we share this common bond: a deep concern over the state and trajectory of our country’s finances. As we work together to find common ground, please know that I appreciate your participation — and that of every American who makes the effort to stay informed and engaged — in this critical discussion.

With kind regards, I remain Yours in Freedom,”


Remember, Mr. Buffett. You don’t need Sen. Thune’s “Buffett Rule” to pay more to the federal government. Taxes are granted by the people–they are not taken by the state. We have agreed to grant a certain minimum amount, but true statesmen like Mr. Rigell do not sheepishly wait for voters to increase that amount; no, sincere patriots lead by example