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DPVA on Allen: “He Won’t Raise The Debt Ceiling!”

With enemies like this, who needs friends [1]?

Wednesday during a radio interview on WLEE former Senator George Allen declared his unequivocal opposition to raising the nation’s debt ceiling, saying “it’s absurd to say that anything ought to be done in so far as raising the debt ceiling.”

Allen’s zealous opposition to raising the debt ceiling, a position which many experts say would harm the United States’ economy, is a marked departure from his behavior during his six years in the U.S. Senate in which he voted to raise the debt ceiling four times.

So I guess the whole “Democrats support the troops” line just wasn’t the case?  Because when America’s at war, that’s typically when you want to… you know.. fight it?

Too bad Kaine doesn’t have the common sense to opposed debt ceiling hikes.  I guess Chuck Schumer didn’t let him out of the lapdog cage [2] this week?