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Red NoVA on AWOL Fair Weather Tea Partiers…


Terrence Boulden hits the AWOL Republicans criticizing Ken Cuccinelli right between the eyes [2]:

Most people sit around their living rooms, and attack politicians for not being honest and doing the wrong thing. So why is it when one admits he’s wrong we attack and throw stones at him?

This crazy war against 0ur AG continues from Bolling supporters who feel that only negative attacks against Ken will help their failed campaign in 2013…. try harder!!

What follows is Ken’s statement. I for one will stand by Ken, and his track record as a great leader in the AG’s office and what will be a great campaign for Gov..

Ill take the lumps but loyalty is important in human society…a lot of my fellow political friends should rethink it..And the next time you see Ken at an event dont kiss his……. thats called hypocritical …OK thats all..

Well effing said.  For all the Tea Partiers and loons screaming RINO at Ken Cuccinelli, real conservatives should remember — we never saw those guys in 2004 when the largest tax increase in Virginia history was upon us, nor in 2007 with HB 3202, nor in 2009 when we elected Ken Cuccinelli to the Attorney General’s office.

They carpetbagged.  Freeloaders who share more with the Occupiers than they do with rank-and-file conservatives who have fought in the trenches for decades.

In short, absent without leadership (AWOL) fair-weather patriots.

For those who know Ken Cuccinelli’s quality, we’ll stand to the last to defend his reputation and credentials.  For those “fair-weather patriots” disavowing him now?  Well… we always knew where you stood anyhow.

…and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.  Better the enemy who stabs us in the front (RINOs) than the friends who stab you in the back (AWOL).