Cuccinelli Proposing Emergency Ballot Legislation

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is moving forward with proposing emergency  legislation to open access to the Virginia ballot to the other Republican Presidential candidates in addition to Mitt Romney and Ron Paul as long as they qualify for federal matching funds and request a presence on the ballot.

Fox News also reports that sources tell them that Gov. McDonnell is also onboard with this legislation. Although some may be surprised at this, it should not be a shock. Virginia’s relevance is at stake and only having two candidates on the Republican primary ballot could seriously put that relevance in jeopardy. This legislation would allow Virginia a way out.

It is important to remember though that in order for the legislation to take effect in time for the March 6 primary it will require 80% approval by the General Assembly. So lobbying in both directions will likely be intense.

What a way to start out this General Assembly session! No one can say that Virginia politics is boring.

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