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Roanoke Times: If Obama Says So, Kaine Is Cool With It…


So the Roanoke Times has a question for Tim Kaine [2] about whether 17 year olds should get abortion pills.  Kaine’s response?

We asked him about the Obama administration’s decision to maintain a policy requiring women younger than 17 to have a prescription to obtain the Plan B One-Step emergency contraceptive. Our editorial today criticized the president for ignoring advice from his own scientific advisers,who concluded that the morning-after pill could be used safely by younger teenagers. Kaine, a long-time friend of Obama, said he hasn’t read the rationale behind the administration’s decision. “I do not have an opinion that they were wrong,” he said. 

So Kaine doesn’t know anything… but he knows he agrees with Obama about it?


That’s leadership, fellas…