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Allen: Tea Party Support at 59%

These are some hard hitting numbers coming from Public Policy Polling [1] this evening.  Overwhelmingly, Virginians are lock step behind former Speaker Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination for President, former Governor George Allen for U.S. Senate, and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for Governor in ’13.

Some highlights:

POTUS ’12 Numbers (Second Choice):
Bachmann: 8% (10%)
Gingrich: 41% (13%)
Huntsman: 3% (3%)
Johnson: 1% (2%)
Paul: 6% (9%)
Perry: 8% (8%)
Romney: 15% (15%)
Santorum: 6% (8%)
other/not sure: 12% (31%)

U.S. Senate ’12
Allen: 67%
Donner: 2%
Jackson: 3%
McCormick: 2%
Radtke: 5%
Undecided: 21%

Governor ’13
Bolling: 25%
Cuccinelli: 44%
Undecided: 31%

Some additional highlights from the crosstabs:

ALLEN FAVORABILITY AMONG TEA PARTIERS AT 59% with only 13% having an unfavorable opinion.  Radtke’s support among Tea Partiers is only 10%, with 14% having an unfavorable opinion.  No other candidates for US Senate were asked this question.  65% of self described Tea Partiers said Allen’s ideology was “about right” — meanwhile, Radtke’s fav/unfav numbers are 10/14.  Allen’s numbers are 63/16 — meaning that Radtke’s unfavorables are as high as Allen’s at the moment.

CUCCINELLI FAVORABILITY AMONG TEA PARTIERS AT 72% while Bolling’s numbers are 43/7.  Cuccinelli supporters are die hard as well, with over half refusing to consider another candidate.

GINGRICH CAPTURES 46% of VIRGINIA TEA PARTIER SUPPORT with Bachmann and Romney in second at 11%, and Santorum in third at 9%.  Safe to say that Gingrich’s strategy of rolling up the South is going to plan, barring a catastrophe over the next few weeks.

MORE WOMEN THAN MEN SUPPORT ALLEN with support for Allen at 70% with women and 65% for men.

RON PAUL’S UNFAVORABLES ARE AT 59% — ouch.  Did not expect to see that… God save Ron Paul from his supporters…

GEORGE ALLEN EVEN WINS OVER RON PAUL SUPPORTERS at 31% vs. Donner at 13%, McCormick at 10% and Radtke at 4%.  So where are Jamie Radtke supporters?  Supporting Santorum (31% of Santorum supporters vote Radtke; 61% support Allen).

HUNTSMAN SUPPORTERS SUPPORT DONNER?   Who would have guessed that?!?

Allen and Cuccinelli have to be happy with these numbers in Virginia, while surprisingly enough, Tim Donner has captured a larger part of the heart-and-soul of the Tea Party movement than any of the other challengers.  Still, former Governor Allen’s commanding lead not only in the primary but also among Tea Partiers show very little daylight for any challenger whatsoever.

One thing is for certain:  George Allen and Ken Cuccinelli are indisputably leading the Tea Party movement in Virginia.