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And now, for a somewhat different take on books for Christmas

Few things are better to give and receive at Christmas than books. And as a dedicated fan of (physical) books, here are a few you may want to consider — if not for yourself, then for the person on your list who could use a tasty read.

1. Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. The parable of the broken window opens what is one of the most concise and easy to understand economics books ever written. It’s so easy to grasp, even the native political class might understand it (though sadly, without illustrations, this is a dicey bet).

2. The Radicalism of the American Revolution by Gordon Wood. Think libertarians and tea partiers are dangerous lunatics out to destroy democracy? They got nothing on the Founders.

3. The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce. It’s dark, caustic and cynical, making it the perfect antidote to the season’s commercial treacle. For example: CONSERVATIVE, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.

4. Notes on Democracy by H.L. Mencken. Mencken writes like an angel with a ferocious hangover. And his views on democracy will, unquestionably, offend the sensibilities of just about everyone.

5. Dubliners by James Joyce. Joyce’s short stories are among the finest ever written, particularly “The Dead.” If the last page of that work doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you may have no heart at all.

6. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. The “novel without a hero” is brutally funny and makes the reality shows based upon various “real housewives” look like PBS kids cartoons.

7. The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes. A conservative look at the Great Depression and how, despite strenuous government intervention by both Herbert Hoover and FDR, the economic pain kept grinding on.

8. The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. A drunken man sells his wife and children, then decides to sober up and becomes a success…until the past catches up with him.

9. George Mason, Forgotten Founder by Jeff Broadwater. The greatest member of Virginia’s Founding generation.

10. Don Quixote by Cervantes. The greatest novel ever written. If you haven’t read it, drop that damned iPhone and get a copy today.