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RTD: Kaine’s Gaffe on Personhood

Early points are going to George Allen in the wake of the AP debate.  Former DNC Chairman Tim Kaine is finding himself in hot water after his blanket and radical refusal to embrace Virginia’s personhood amendment.  Delegate Bob Marshall lays him out:

Marshall said the intent of his personhood bill, which passed the House of Delegates last year but was rejected in the Senate, was to create a civil cause of action for the wrongful death of an unborn child to complement Virginia’s fetal homicide law.

“Does Tim Kaine object to providing a legal remedy for parents whose beloved unborn baby is killed by the negligent or criminal act of a third party?  Does anyone other than Tim Kaine really think that is a bad idea?” Marshall asked.

This is worth reading it all [1], because while the RTD blogger (Wesley Hester) misses much of the point, there’s no question Kaine’s camp is struggling on cleanup, as Wesley mentions in his post:

“As Governor Kaine stated yesterday, this is intrusive government overreach at a time when Washington should be focused on rebuilding our economy,” she (Brandi Hoffine) added.

You certainly don’t rebuild an economy by killing off future taxpayers, Chairman Kaine.

UPDATE: Delegate Bob Marshall has issued a masterful press release on personhood.  You can read that here [2].

“None of the parade of horribles predicted today by Tim Kaine occurred when abortion was illegal, such as homicide prosecutions for women who abort their children or making miscarriages manslaughter. My measure passed the House of Delegates earlier this year, 62-36. Virginia’s entire press corps apparently slept through the legal earthquake Tim Kaine predicted would follow passage of my bill most likely because his claims are not true.
