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Donner lodges one last debate complaint – against Radtke?

Tim Donner, a northern Virginia businessman who is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, has made it known that he feels today’s debate between George Allen and Tim Kaine is a bit presumptive.

His main complaint is not completely with Allen, who has a commanding lead in the polls, or Kaine, but with the Associated Press for deciding to host the debate in the first place.

“My campaign has made efforts to correct this untenable situation. In September, we urged the A. P. to sponsor two additional senatorial primary debates, one featuring all the Republican candidates, the other all the Democratic candidates,” writes Donner. “It would have been an excellent way for the A.P. to inform voters of all the choices available to them. There was no response.”

It’s sometimes amusing when the shoe is on the other foot with the media. When you ask them a tough question there often is silence in response – exactly the opposite that they demand from the subjects they cover.

However, Donner also has another beef: with fellow GOP challenger Jamie Radtke.

Donner writes:

“We also made an attempt to have all the candidates hold a joint news conference expressing our disdain. All but one, Jamie Radtke, agreed to take part. Because it was not unanimous, the initiative died.”
