U.S Ambassador to Belgium: Israel to Blame for Islamist Anti-Semitism

YNet News published a shocking report this morning detailing a speech given by the American Ambassador to Belgium stating that the cause of Muslim anti-semitism is derived from Israel’s foreign policy. Ambassador Howard Gutman went on to say that he was convinced that if only Israel were to sign some sort of peace treaty with the Palestinians that anti-semitism in the Muslim world would greatly decrease. Ambassador Gutman is an Obama appointee.

It is offensive for Gutman to suggest that hatred for the Jew within the Muslim world is related to the policies of Israel. There are multiple Islamic writings dating back centuries which contain very harsh statements in regards to how Jews should be treated. He also seems to ignore incidents such as the Hebron Massacre of 1929 which happpend before Israel was declared a state in 1948.

If Ambassador Gutman was ignorant of these facts, it was probably willfully so. This seems to be a consistent theme of the Obama Administration, generally in regards to the Islamic world and specifically in regards to Israel and its history.

As President Obama begins to take throw his re-election effort into high gear, his appointments and their statements should not be forgotten.


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