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Tim Kaine wants Congress to rein in spending.

Tim Kaine and Barack Obama
No seriously, Tim I-can’t-let-you-pee-in-my-state Kaine said this today…

That’s why I support a pay-as-you-go approach that keeps Washington from writing checks the taxpayers can’t afford.

And he expects you to believe it.

This would be the same Tim Kaine who in 2009, near the end (thanks be to God) of his term as Governor, issued a release that said:

The official revenue reforecast results in a budgetary shortfall of $1.35 billion for FY 2010. The reforecast brings the total revenue shortfall for the biennium to more than $7 billion. [H/T Right Wing Liberal]

This is the same Tim Kaine who, as Lt. Governor, cheered as Mark Warner signed into law the biggest tax increase in Virginia history.

And the same Tim Kaine who, also was Lt. Governor when Mark Warner announced in July of 2004 that ” The state ended its 2004 budget year with a record-breaking $323.8 million surplus.” [The Virginian Pilot”]

Thing is, Warner and Kaine both knew that the tax increase wasn’t necessary. They’d already seen that the revenue numbers were higher than anticipated.

But Mark Warner had spent four years trying to get a tax increase through. He was voted down for transportation tax increases in NoVa and Hampton Roads, but finally, with the help of former (thanks be to God) Senators John Chichester and Russ Potts, Warner got his tax increase.

Tim Kaine was there cheering all along. And why not, on election day in 2005, Virginia was looking at a possible $2 billion surplus. [Bacon’s Rebellion]

Where did that money go? Wherever it was, it didn’t pay for rest stop toilet paper while Tim was Governor.

Kaine was nearly as giddy as he was cheering President Obama as the President tripled the deficit.

When recently asked about Democrats who tried to distance themselves from Obama (see former Delegate Ward Armstrong), Kaine saidā€œIā€™m not backing off an inch.ā€

Tim Kaine, give him an inch and he’ll take a trillion dollars.

Tim wants you to look at George Allen’s voting record in the Senate. And, fair enough, there’s a record to look at. But I’ll stack Allen’s up against Mark Warner, Jim Webb and Tim Kaine any day of the week.

Perhaps most interesting in all of this, is just exactly where Tim gets his research. You see, in his press release (get yer own link), he quotes none other than the darling of the Tea Party Circuit, Jamie Radtke.

You can’t, as they say, make this stuff up.