Game changer: Edd Houck concedes … Va. GOP has control of Senate, House, Executive Mansion

The Virginia State Senate just flipped to the Republican majority. Republican Bryce Reeves won by 222 votes over Democratic Senator Edd Houck.

While scrolling through Facebook I came across this post from Houck (yes, we’re Facebook friends):

“There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heaven…a time to search and a time to give up.”

Today at 2:30 p.m. following a conference call with my legal team and campaign advisors, I determined that I must concede this election. I do so knowing that “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” To the hundreds of my supporters, I wish I could have given you the victory you deserve. But, it simply did not happen.

“At 4:00 today, I called Bryce Reeves, made my concession, wished him well and offered my assistance as he enters into the Senate of Virginia. At this uncertain economic time in Virginia, he deserves your full support and prayers. I can never express to each of you my most sincere heartfelt thanks for your support over the past 28 years. I have been blessed by your friendship. I hope to see each of you in the near future. Edd

That is a gracious concession post. Many thanks to Sen. Houck for his years in service to the citizens of his District as well as the Commonwealth.

With the loss by Houck, Republicans now have the Governor and majorities in the state senate and House.

This is a huge win for Republican Governor Bob McDonnell who has not only kept a fiscal cap on the state’s finances but has overseen a complete Republican takeover of state government. Kudos also to Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli as well as the thousands of grassroots workers statewide.

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