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GOP “Jobs Tracker” shows the Senate is the problem

Following up on Jim’s post [1] from yesterday about the President’s shameful dithering on the economy, Rep. Eric Cantor’s office has created a handy site [2] that allows folks to keep track of the job and economic growth measures the House has passed.

Looking over the Jobs Tracker site, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the House, in bipartisan fashion, has passed a slew of jobs bills, but most of them are sitting on a shelf in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Meanwhile, the President, who made a special trip [3] to Mr. Cantor’s district back in September to talk-up his “must pass” jobs bill, has done precious little to get his former Senate colleagues to move on these measures (with a few happy exceptions, including the long-delayed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia and South Korea).

Rather, the President has taken to the campaign trail to rail against congressional (read: Republican) intransigence.

I suggest that if the President, is serious about the economy, he channel his inner LBJ, start working the phones and come up with his own version of “The Johnson Treatment [4].”

But that assumes the President is serious about jobs creation instead of job preservation.

Namely, his own.