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Happy Reformation Day: Without the Shedding of Wealth There is no Emission

In 1513, the Medici Pope Leo X was facing the likely possibility of a bankrupt Roman Catholic Church. The magnific building projects to bolster the church’s image were begun with no foresight to their long-term economic consequences, and the crusades into the Holy Land and other foreign proselytizing campaigns had drained the papal treasury. Christendom, as any centralized power is wont to do, had become indebted to her constituents and the world.

In order to combat the Holy Deficit, the Pope began to issue indulgences to the lowly sinners of the congregation in order to forgive them—not of their past transgressions, but of their future sins. Of course, this was not an act of spiritual altruism; forgiveness came at a tangible price, which was imposed on a progressive scale determined by one’s wealth and the atrocity of their sin. The Catholic Church had become so dogmatic and authoritative that unsuspecting and fearful Catholics bought into this scheme without question—to oppose this plan could have meant the eternal damnation of one’s earthly soul.


History, despite her eternal struggle for progress, has been ordained once again to repeat her orbit around the depraved desires of man.

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, issued a statement on the occasion of the “7 billionth” person being born on Monday [2], and took the opportunity to readdress what he sees are the global concerns regarding Climate Change. The international frenzy over Climate Change is the culmination of decades of scientific subterfuge and social stratagems that resembles so strongly a religious bureaucratization and exploitation, one wonders if they have not read the political playbook of the Medicis of Florence. The goal of the UN, proposed so famously at Copenhagen, is to impose inter- and intranational restrictions on the people of the world all in the name of a “unity of purpose”. The charge of Ban Ki Moon and the UN is one that not-so-subtly demands a form of global socialism and asset redistribution, forcing the “wealthy” countries to pay penance to the nations they have so maliciously endangered.

If the UN is successful in its agenda, businesses and individuals will not only have to adhere to domestic emission standards, but will be forced by international law to participate in a global cap-and-trade system of carbon and greenhouse gas regulation.

Advocates heroically liken a climate treaty of this nature to humanity’s last stand against themselves, and advocate the advancement of this agenda in the name of anthropological altruism. Said Ban Ki Moon, “We all have something to give and something to gain by appreciating each other’s diversity and working together in common cause.”

Many may actually believe this to be true; many may have thought it too hard to question the motives and check the premises of the theory’s founders; many may have thought it convenient and efficient to allow their opinions to be formed by a popular presentation of pseudo-statistical analysis and an alarmingly compliant media.

However, we must remember the “altruism” of Pope Leo X. Remember his fundamental motive. His issuing of indulgences was not in any way meant to purge the polluted soul of humanity of his sinful acts. Neither was his goal to redistribute the revenues he accumulated to the destitute of his empire. His goal, like any centralized institution that has the privilege of unchecked liberties, was to stabilize and strengthen his individual and corporate influence. By creating among the penitent masses a perception of the Church’s necessity for spiritual pardon, he succeeded. However, he also ignited a firestorm that altered the course of civilization as only few other events had.

Martin Luther recognized when he began the Protestant Reformation that an institution that ignored the fundamentals of its purpose and instead sought to subvert a population for its own gain was not worthy of its own dominion, but was more than deserving of its dissolution.

President Obama and the Democrats in congress have been pushing the American public, upon whom they have inflicted the guilt of geocontamination, to accept a new policy of religious indulgence in the name of environmentalism. They advocated cap-and-trade legislation, and called for a global treaty at the international summit on climate change. These are the archetypes that will inevitably pave the way for an environmental papacy. (Indeed, the UN Environmental Program has proclaimed Environmentalism to be the “only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity.”) By forcing nations, states, businesses, and ultimately individuals to purchase permits for the emission of what we all naturally exhale—not of our past emissions, but of our future ones—this global community will monopolize the absolution of environmental transgression and be the sole purveyors of our ecological salvation. How long until the next Martin Luther?

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Heb 9:22