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Agnostic On GOP Presidential Candidates? JOIN ME!

I’ll be frank — I can’t stand a single one of them.  I leaned in a few directions (Bachmann, Perry, Santorum, and even Ron Paul before his unchecked and obnoxious supporters turned me off even though I agree with a good 80% of what Paul stands for) but I still can’t bring myself to get fired up about a GOP presidential candidate. Case in point: Stupid economic schematics.

Give me the candidate that explains in simple, credible terms how he’s going to help fix the federal budget in terms mainstreet America can understand.

Again, three criteria:
(1)  Simple
(2)  Credible
(3)  Main Street

BBA and the nein-nein-nein! plan fail on point #2.  Flat taxes are OK.  Identifying what must be cut is OK. Disengaging from the world, surrendering the GWOT, or “radically” dismembering government isn’t credible or realistic.

We’ll never have the votes to do that in Washington *or* among the American public.  Watch ’em scream when you take a scalpel to Medicare and Social Security…

Now imagine taking an ax to it…


Has anybody here… seen my old friend Ron?