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Obama’s Malaise

You know what’s wrong with America?


You are what’s wrong with America.  Why… it’s not the oppressive bureaucracy, the regulations and red tape, the simple fact that the 535 clowns voting on the budget have no clue what’s in it or how their government really works.

You, gentle reader, have simply lost your imagination

The problem is that you simply don’t buy what Obama is selling… it’s not that Obama could be — oh, let’s consider — wrong about any of his policies, or his direction, or his legislative initiatives.

You’re just not imaginative enough.

Of course, if Obama would like to see some “imagination” he need only look to the first working class American kitchen table… where families are getting “imaginative” with their household budgets, mothers are getting “imaginative” with what to feed their children, and fathers are getting “imaginative” on what sort of work they can capably do.

Little does Obama realize it, but all that imagination up top?  That’s America.  That’s how the 90% lives.  We tighten our belts and refuse to settle.

…and we don’t need the federal government to make better lives for us.  What we do need is for the federal government to quit being so imaginative on our behalf and stay out of the way of the free market.

We can grow our way back to prosperity, so long as the Washington imagineers (new word?) keep their utopias to themselves.