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Jeff Frederick to Debate an Empty Chair this Friday

Incumbent Sen. Toddy Puller (D-Woodbridge) is shying away from debating her challenger, Jeff Frederick. Does this mean that she is afraid to discuss the issues and her plan for improving the district? Puller is in one of the toughest races in her career, and one would think that she would want to ask questions of her challenger, so voters could make an informed decision on November 8th.

It appears that Puller is not going to debate Frederick on NewsTalk with Bruce DePuyt on Friday at 10 a.m., and Frederick will now be on air in an interview format. (For those in the D.C. area, you can tune into NewsChannel 8 for the interview that was supposed to be a debate.)

Frederick said:

Elected representatives shouldn’t be hiding from their constituents. Senator Puller and I both believe that their are stark differences in our records, so it would be helpful to let us highlight these differences for voters. We can have a frank discussion on lowering taxes, improving economic growth and finally making some tangible progress on Route 1. There is still time for Senator Puller to reconsider her decision not to debate. I hope she will still show up on Friday.

My guess is that Puller is trying to avoid discussing real issues, particularly since she opposes the eminent domain amendment [1] to the Virginia Constitution, and the lack of progress surrounding the improvements of the Route 1 corridor [2].

Cross posted at Crystal Clear Conservative [3]