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About that tea party debate

Yes, we here at Bearing Drift can miss things, and one of them was the tea party debate held last week featuring many of the candidates for the U.S Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Jim Webb.

But, via Sara [1], we do get this [2] recap from the Roanoke Tea Party site. Overall, it seems to have been a civil affair. But there were some distinct takeaways:

* These folks really dislike George Allen.

* David McCormick has good ideas but lacks charisma.

* Tim Donner is polished but, in the eyes of post author Chip Tarbutton: “…I think Donner would be a better choice than George Allen. That being said, he seems more like a slick status quo politician than somebody that will go an shake up the establishment as he promised last night.”

* Jamie Radtke gets a full frontal Bronx cheer:

Yes Jamie and George skipped the debate. One word describes these two today and their cowardly behavior in ducking this debate.


Jamie in particular can make an effective candidate with her knowledge and background. But falling in line with the bad behavior of George Allen, while admittedly a “smart” political decision…will alienate some of the tea party groups that still support her.

The exucses from her supporters who were there last night were never ending and conflicting. She had a conflict. She said all along she wouldn’t come if Allen wasn’t there. It’s just politics. All 3 of those excuses came from the same person inside of 5 minutes. I told Jamie the other night I would vote for her in the primary if it were her and Allen, but I couldn’t actively support her based on some of the stuff she did during her time as the Tea Party President.

I still might vote for her if my choices were only Allen and Radkte, but her lack of integrity is extremely troubling.

That will leave several marks.

The one who comes off best? Earl Jackson:

He said things that most candidates won’t say. He supported state nullifiation, abolishing numerous federal agencies as unconstitutional and makes no apologies for the urgency in getting rid of the Obama Administration. While all of the candidates promised to shake things up, I get the sense that Jackson actually means it. He repeatedly and passionately discusses the need for immediate action.

There’s no question at all Mr. Jackson is a charismatic speaker. Arguably, he also has the most interesting life story and resume of any candidate for high office Virginia has seen in some time. Are these qualities alone sufficient to make him a credible candidate?

Perhaps with greater exposure, he could give the field a run. All the more regrettable, then, that the gatekeepers in the Virginia press have decided folks like Jackson, McCormick and Donner simply aren’t qualified to appear on their stage and debate the issues of the day. Such opportunities not only have the benefit of being newsworthy — something reporters are, allegedly, in the business of covering — but it would have been a public service.

Then again, the press has other, great concerns…like trying to survive.

Some, quite bland, press coverage of the event exists…here [3], for instance.

But the more extensive coverage was online. Such as this report from The Virginia Conservative [4] — which also reports that Jackson won the straw poll in a landslide. And the inestimable Tom White got a few post-debate comments from Tim Donner in this podcast [5].

Now that’s what I call providing a public service.