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Puller still supports the President who frustrates her so

Democratic Senator “Toddy” Puller is in the race of her career against Republican Jeff Frederick, and the stress is starting to show.

In an October 17th WaPo piece on how incumbent Democratic senators were distancing themselves from the President as his magical mystery tour wound its way, selectively, through Virginia, Anita Kumar quoted Puller as saying [1]:

“He’s frustrating me, just like he’s frustrating others out there.’’

Since that burst of pre-election candor, Puller now tells Anita a somewhat different story [2]:

“I’m still a strong supporter of Obama,’’ she said in a follow-up interview this week. “I’m sorry (Washington issues are) interfering with this year’s campaigns.”

And unlike Democratic Sen. Phil Puckett, who has gone to some lengths to say that he will not support the President next year, Puller says:

“I am planning to vote for him, always have.’’

Nice to have that cleared up.

Here is Frederick’s new television ad. It’s one of those spots that, on the surface, is as gauzy as can be. But the subtext features more sharp elbows than a New Jersey Devils game. See if you can pick out a few. It’s not difficult: