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Is Cantor the “Face of Republican Obstruction”?

Majority Leader Eric Cantor might as well exchange his signature navy blue suits and power ties for Lord Vader’s black helmet and cape, because even Fox News Sunday is buying into the meme that he’s the lead obstructionist to Obama’s policies.

Check out Cantor’s interview today with Chris Wallace:

Cantor said:

“I guess a lot of folks on the other side of the aisle want to boil this down to personality. It is really not about that. The differences that we have with this President are policy based. We know in this town there are a lot of differences right now. And I think the people of this country want to see us try and set aside those differences and actually come together on the things we can agree on. We agree that the economy is woefully weak. We agree that there is too much income disparity in this country. We believe that everyone ought to be lifted up and we ought to be working on the policies that help that happen, which is to focus on small businesses. And that’s what we are doing going forward.”

Cantor also discussed setting aside differences and focusing on common ground to help the economy, as well as reiterating that it will be private enterprise and encouraging small businesses that will create jobs.

PS Cantor is not a Republican anymore…does this mean he has to give up his leadership position? 🙂