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The 9-9-9 express meets the Christie juggernaut

There was another debate among the GOP presidential candidates last night and the reviews generally make it seem that Mr. Romney did just fine, thank you, and the surging Herman Cain did a pretty good job of it as well.

Newt Gingrich, as is his want, got a few headlines for wanting to throw Rep. Barnie Frank and former Sen. Chris Dodd in jail over their roles in the financial meltdown…which made me wonder whether Newt was gunning for the Ukranian [1] presidential nomination.

And yes, the press masters of this debate decided former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson couldn’t participate because he’d only been invited to two previous events. For this special, sit-down debate, he needed to have been invited to three. I suspect the real reason is that Bloomberg and the Washington Post wouldn’t spring for a bigger table.

All this aside, Herman Cain does seem to be enjoying a renaissance, of sorts, and it’s largely because of his 9-9-9 tax plan. It’s easy to remember, and bears an almost eery resemblance to another, very successful plan to reduce taxes. Think about it for a moment. Three, three-syllable words that fit on a bumper sticker…

If you answered “No Car Tax,” go to the head of the class.

Cain’s plan isn’t exactly getting rave reviews from the DC conservatives [2]. Too many opportunities for fiscal mischief in 9-9-9, and not nearly enough specifics.

Yep…sounds more like “No Car Tax” all the time.

Still, it’s got people talking. Unlike the Romney or Huntsman plans, it’s easy to remember even when you can’t recall, exactly, what it means or stands for. And that could spell trouble for the other candidates.

Or not. The other, pre-debate, happening that could solidify the smart money behind Mitt Romney was New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s endorsement [3] of the former Massachusetts governor. Immediately, the question was asked: does this mean Mitt might choose Chris as his running mate? Christie said no such deal was made, though Romney said that of course Christie would be on anyone’s short list.

Ah, the possibilities…they are almost Agnew-like in their dimensions (minus the venality and corruption). Christie talking straight and tough to the Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Ohio crowds. Christie reducing Joe Biden to a pile of dust and feathers in a vice presidential debate. Christie presiding over the Senate like Ralph Kramden (one of these days, Reid, one of these days…)

We shall see…though a smarter bet is to put your chips on Bob McDonnell in the veepstakes.