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Blue Virginia loses more credibility on Confederate flag – can you go less than zero?

So, our friends at Blue Virginia are having a caption contest today.

They want you to caption this photo of McDonnell, Bolling, and Allen.


Lowell Feld, who never let’s a good hyperbole go to waste, writes: “”Virginia Republicans, Fighting to Take Back Virginia…to 1860!”

Never mind the fact that it was the Democratic Party which fought for slavery and imposed Jim Crow Laws across the country. And never mind the fact that Abraham Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, Martin Luther King Jr., etc. were Republicans. Never mind that a greater percentage of Republicans supported the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts than Democrats. Never mind the fact that it was Democrats who stormed out of the 1948 Convention and became Dixiecrats.

We’ll ignore that history and just give you a different perspective:


The two gentlemen paying attention to the governor’s speech on the left are Del. William Barlow (D-64th) and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-3rd). I suppose they also want to take us back to 1860?

Once again, Blue Virginia shows themselves to be hacks.
