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Smith-Jones Skipped Ethics Pledge

Conveniently, before Virginia Beach School Board member Sandra Smith Jones was leaving America to work in Saudi Arabia, 10 School Board members signed an ethics pledge.

Sandra Smith-Jones refused.

As reported on Bearing Drift, she did sign the 2010 pledge [1], which included the promise to “make an effort to attend all Board meetings.

However, she is the only one to refuse to sign the same pledge this year, as you can see from this document [2].

11 School Board members. 10 signatures.

Smith-Jones is now overseas making money at her new job, while continuing to be paid by taxpayers for being a no-show School Board member in Virginia Beach.

At least it seems she knew her actions would be a breach of ethics, since she suddenly decided not to join the same pledge she supported a year ago.

There’s one other thing that deserves 10 signatures: A resolution from the Board calling for her resignation.