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Starbucks CEO: America is ‘Drifting Towards Mediocrity’

I have a confession to make: Starbucks rocks! Despite the fact that Starbucks is a liberal bastion for the most part, there are times when Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz actually makes sense. Recently, in an ABC News [1] interview, Schultz urged people to boycott campaign contributions through his campaign, UpwardSpiral2011 [2], and for business leaders to help get the country out of its “crisis of confidence” by creating jobs, as well as increasing consumer confidence. Schultz wants the national deficit reduced and said that businesses will not invest in America due to the debt ceiling.

The video can be viewed by clicking here [1].

I agree with Schultz. It’s time for business leaders to take the initiative to create jobs and not rely on the government to do this for them. In fact, Schultz made another point worth considering that both the Obama Administration and Congress doesn’t understand the urgency of addressing the debt and are forgetting that we are still in a crisis situation, especially when it comes to unemployment.

Cross posted at Crystal Clear Conservative [3]