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Would Cuccinelli challenge Bolling for GOP gubernatorial nomination?

This in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Monday … “Cuccinelli says he may run for Governor, Bolling doesn’t think so” [1]:

Boarding an elevator at the General Assembly Building, Cuccinelli was asked if he might challenge Bolling for the nomination.

“There’s a chance,” he replied.

Moments later, Bolling was asked if he thought Cuccinelli would run against him.

“I do not,” he said. “I think Ken has said both publicly and privately that his intention is to run for re-election to the office of attorney general, and we look forward to running with him as a team. I think we’ll be a strong team.”

The idea of the AG challenging the LG for the gubernatorial spot has been rumored for months but this is the latest shot over Bolling’s bow from the charismatic hero of the tea party movement….

Cross-posted at SWAC Girl [2]