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Daily Press’ John Fredericks – This is Virginia

The Daily Press’ new Editor is a political expert.

In predicting the results of York County’s Republican primary, John Fredericks was wrong an amazing 4 out of 4 races!

The headline of his Election Day editorial seemed strong.
Fredericks: York County Supervisor races could foretell anti-incumbent wave. [1]

The weatherman predicted the waves from Hurricane Irene with more accuracy.

Every incumbent defeated every challenger in the primary. In fact, the longer the incumbent had been in office, the worse the challenger’s showing was.

John Fredericks, armed with degrees from Fairly Ridiculous (er, Fairleigh Dickinson) and NYU, and a history of journalistic bravado in Georgia until July 2011, is now the pre-eminent expert in Virginia politics, at least according to him.

Guess a degree from New York University doesn’t make you an expert on York County primaries.