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Grassroots Socialism Comes to Virginia

Tonight the Virginian-Pilot reported on two door-to-door workers who are canvassing Norfolk. Such a thing is hardly news with primary elections on Tuesday, but it’s reporting for Monday, so whatever. Reading the article, it’s clear the bias coming from these ‘voter-organizers’.

The group is called Virginia New Majority. Pilot sums up their stance.

On its website, the group says it “organizes Virginians to win social and economic justice for all… We bring together immigrants, African-Americans, women, youth, and working-class Virginians to build a progressive movement…” On the site, it endorses a slate of Democratic candidates in upcoming races.

But I went to their website, and more importantly their blog myself. There, the train runs off the tracks and the rampant propaganda and outlandish things come to light. The group calls for a Third Reconstruction and endorsing a slate of Democrats:

They are all committed to creating a state government whose values, laws and policies best represent our changing demographics and our progressive aspirations. Each candidate further understands that our government is responsible for ensuring economic and social equality for all Virginians.

Their goals…

While some of my best friends are businesses, let’s imagine a different Virginia. If we were a ‘women friendly’ state for example, would we build more childcare centers? Would we better light our streets and sidewalks? Would we have clinics and Medicare and Medicaid for all women?

What if we were a ‘worker friendly’ state? What would we do different? Maybe we actually staff a state Labor Department to make sure that workers are paid what they are due. Maybe we’d make it easier for workers to form a union? Maybe we’d tax wealthy corporations and wealthy people so that everybody has a roof over their head and food in their belly.

Socialism at it’s finest.

VNM’s Executive Director recently also tried rewriting history, claiming that Nat Turner was only fighting for his ‘liberty’:

Yet, it was also here in Tidewater that Nat Turner and dozens of others rose up in rebellion as they sought their liberty.

This same Nat Turner who killed dozens of men, women and children? Who organized a campaign of violence throughout the Eastern Shore with the simple goal of, as Turner described it before his execution, to spread “terror and alarm” in white residents.

Good of the Pilot to bring this to light. Otherwise the crackpots would have never got their day.