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Ames straw poll results; Bachmann wins

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann won the presidential straw poll at the Iowa GOP fundraiser in Ames yesterday.

She is the first woman to win the straw poll, which is mainly an opportunity to show a candidate’s campaign organization and viability moving forward.

As I mentioned in my segment [1] on “The Score”, whoever won yesterday would have momentum, but for those actively competing in the straw poll, if they lost it could mark the end of their campaigns.

Ames did not have present at the event the presumed front runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, nor did it have the newest presidential aspirant [2], Texas Gov. Rick Perry. However, Perry, who was not on the ballot did manage to muster more than 700 write-in votes while Romney, who was on the ballot only received about 500.

In an email to supporters, Bachmann, a graduate of William and Mary Law School, wrote of her victory: “Iowans took to the polls today to deliver a strong message to Washington: America cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama and his failed liberal policies, and our campaign for president is the right choice to put our nation back on a path to prosperity.”

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who had been actively campaigning in Iowa and who, like Bachmann, had the most to lose by not winning the popularity contest, wrote: “we needed to show progress” and that “we are just beginning, and I’m eager for the campaign.”

However, for Pawlenty, it was certainly a defeat. Politico reports [3] he will have a conference call this morning with “top campaign staff and donors” to discuss the way forward.

When trying to put the Iowa Straw Poll results into context, just think back to 2007 where Romney “won” with 37% of the vote (4516) and the eventual Republican nominee, Arizona Senator John McCain finished 10th with 101 votes. That being said, here are the results:

1. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (4823, 28.55%)
2. Congressman Ron Paul (4671, 27.65%)
3. Governor Tim Pawlenty (2293, 13.57%)
4. Senator Rick Santorum (1657, 9.81%)
5. Herman Cain (1456, 8.62%)
6. Governor Rick Perry (718, 3.62%) write-in
7. Governor Mitt Romney (567, 3.36%)
8. Speaker Newt Gingrich (385, 2.28%)
9. Governor Jon Huntsman (69, 0.41%)
10. Congressman Thad McCotter (35, 0.21%)

Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s performance was excellent and proved that his supporters will definitely turn-out for him. The question for Paul, as it always has been, will his message resonate with the average Republican voter?