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QandO: Children Are Barbarians

So what’s new, the parent might answer. Dale Franks over at Q and O puts a different spin on things in light of the youth riots around the world [1]:

Children are widely believed to be a blessing, and I suppose, in many ways, they are. But children are also a problem, in that each new generation of kids is a vertical invasion of barbarians. They have to be taught the details of how to behave in civilized society, to be instructed in its standards and norms. Moreover, those norms must be enforced, and violators must face the appropriate penalties for violating those norms. Doing all of this is an important charge, and you fail in it at your peril.

It’s an interesting thought that every new generation of children are indeed “barbarians at the gate” that we — as good little inheritors of Roman civilization — can either civilize… or allow to sack Rome.

Worth reading and considering with all this objectivist nonsense followed by a get-for-me-and-mine mentality floating about in both parties.