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PPP: Cuccinelli Leads Among Conservatives, Moderates

Earlier Lynn mentioned George Allen’s resounding lead against his GOP primary opponents in results [1]of Public Policy Polling’s latest sweep [2] of the Commonwealth.

But George Allen isn’t the only clear winner among Virginia Republicans. Ken Cuccinelli leads Bill Bolling in early gubernatorial polling, 45-21 overall. Among ‘very conservative’ voters, he leads 56-15. Cuccinelli’s appeal to moderates is the real story however, where he leads Bolling 40-22. He also leads 34-25 with ‘somewhat conservative’ voters as well.

As the first Attorney General to take on Obamacare, Cuccinelli has become something of a folk hero among Tea Party voters and other conservatives. His name recognition is astounding for the tier 3 statewide officeholder. According to PPP: “71% of GOP primary voters have an opinion about him and they break down favorably 56/15. Only 41% know Bolling and they break down 28% favorable and 13% unfavorable.”

Rick Perry also emerged as the favorite for President, gaining support from 20% of Republicans. He beat announced candidates like Mitt Romney (16%), Michelle Bachmann (15%), Sarah Palin (13%), Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich (6%) and down from there.