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McDonnell Urges Virginia Representatives To Vote For Boehner Bill

Governor Bob McDonnell’s office just released a statement where the Governor urges Congress and Virginia’s delegation to vote for Speaker John Boehner’s bill:

Governor Bob McDonnell today issued the following statement regarding Speaker of the House John Boehner’s debt limit legislation:

“It it critical that the United States Congress immediately pass the best possible bill that will resolve the ongoing debt limit impasse. It would be catastrophic for the United States, and for Virginia, if we defaulted on our obligations. For far too long, Congress has overspent and now the bills are due. Washington must start doing what governors are doing around the country – making serious cuts to get their fiscal houses in order. Speaker Boehner’s bill cuts spending, doesn’t raise taxes and ensures that we do not default on our debt. I urge the members of Congress, including Virginia’s delegation, to vote in support of this measure.”