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Mark Warner puts party loyalty ahead of the national interest

[1]Both of Virginia’s Democrat senators, Mark Warner and Jim Webb, have signed a letter [2] effectively announcing that they would allow the country to default and suffer a reduced bond rating before they would support a Republican plan to combine an increase in the debt ceiling with real defined cuts in spending.

The letter states that all 53 Senate Democrats will oppose the Boehner plan because it “would force us once again to face the threat of default in five or six short months.”  In other words, Mark Warner and Jim Webb want us to believe that it makes sense to cause a default today in order to avoid the possibility of a default in 5 or 6 months.  Yes, really.

The truth is that our two Democrat Senators signed this letter because their loyalty to their party is stronger than their concern for the national interest.  Jim Webb has already announced his retirement and is therefore liberated to act against the interests of his country.  Mark Warner, however, reportedly plans to run for reelection as Governor of Virginia in 2013 [3].  He is assuming that we will all forget that given a choice between loyalty to a radical movement leftist president and acting to avoid a catastrophic default of our national debts, he put loyalty to his party ahead of the national interest.

Warner holds himself out to the public as a fiscal conservative, but his signature on today’s letter exposes him as just another typical leftist Washington Democrat.  As the 2013 gubernatorial campaign shapes up, we need to make sure that Warner no longer gets away with distracting the people of Virginia from his leftist record.