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VA-22 Senate: When You “Loan” Your Own Campaign Money, That Doesn’t Exude Confidence…

What is it with wealthy, out-of-touch liberals and debt?  Democratic nominee and exterminator Bert Dodson raised $100,000 for his Virginia Senate race — $35,000 of which was “loaned” to himself [1]:

Dodson said he loaned $35,000 to the campaign, and more than 100 individuals contributed to it.

Dodson, a former Lynchburg city councilman and the only Democrat in the race, will face the winner of an Aug. 23 Republican primary in the November general election.

$65,000 divided by those 100 people equals…. $650 a pop?  Seriously?

…and such is the confidence in his own efforts that the bug exterminator is merely loaning his campaign a healthy $35,000?

Doesn’t sound like grassroots Central Virginia is backing our Democratic friends in the 22nd Senate.  Sounds like “The Exterminator” has his wealthy friends coming to the rescue of a campaign effort so weak, it’s merely worthy of loans rather than gifts.

Just keep that in mind when Dodson goes around with a working class campaign.  The 5-way race for the Republican primary will be held on 23 August.