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McDonnell, Wilder on CNBC

Gov. Bob McDonnell appeared on CNBC this morning as part of its series of talks with some of the nation’s Governors on the stresses they face, the challenges they’ve met and how they think Washington, DC could learn from their examples. The McDonnell interview appears rather pedestrian until Becky Quick asks about Virginia’s pension system. That’s when McDonnell makes some excellent points about how the state needs to do a great deal more to address the VRS’s multi-billion dollar unfunded liability. He even gets a few digs in at the General Assembly for not doing enough to shore-up the system.

More of this, please. And Steve Forbes makes a pitch for a McDonnell presidential candidacy. Hmmm:

Interestingly, former Gov. Doug Wilder was on before McDonnell to discuss the federal debt ceiling fight. One can only imagine the conversation the two had in the green room…

Wilder pours cold water on the President’s threat to stop sending Grandma her Social Security check, and makes a case that this is the time for tax reform. And Forbes says Wilder should run for president, too (forgetting Wilder’s abortive first attempt to do so).

(Cross-posted at Score Radio Network [1])