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George Allen: Sending “Virginia Values to Washington”


Looks like the hard work of Family Policy Issues advisor Steve Waters is paying off in the “personnel as policy” department.

Former Governor and 2012 U.S. Senate candidate George Allen has unveiled his platform on social conservative issues today [2], and the list is fairly exhaustive and intensive.  The 14-page document outlines Allen’s positions on judicial nominations, life, marriage, property rights, education, the 2nd and 10th Amendments, and personal freedoms.

On judges, George Allen all but declares war on judicial activism.  Allen promises to introduce legislation that will have federal judges serve for terms rather than for life, approve only those judges who will decide by the rule of law, and reject those who would decide domestic cases under “international laws or other laws not enacted by Americans in our States or the U.S. Congress.”  No more shariah law, and no more French jurisprudence infection our American system.

George Allen on defending human life reviews his prior record — parental notification, a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee, and a fetal-pain bill.  Allen pledges to re-instate the Mexico City Policy, ban federal funding to Planned Parenthood, oppose RU-486, and reverse the Obama administrations spending on embryonic stem cell research.

On defending marriage, Allen is clear — “I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman.”  Allen opposes same sex couples adopting, supports a Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, and will continue to oppose legislation that adds sexual orientation to hate crimes legislation.

Allen re-iterates his support for property rights and opposes sovereignty-infringing treaties such as Kyoto, Law of the Sea, and CEDAW.

With regards to public education, Allen places himself squarely on the side of reform.  Homeschoolers and school choice advocates will be glad to see Allen’s support of vouchers and charter schools as alternatives to the public school education system.  Allen also will continue to support the Education Opportunity Tax Credit Act which will allow families to deduct $1,000 per child as a refundable tax credit for educational expenses.

10th Amendment supporters will find Allen to be a strong supporter of the Repeal Amendment, a Balanced Budget Amendment including a line item veto, repeal Obamacare, and oppose “cap and trade” and EPA carbon regulations.

On the 2nd Amendment, Allen does not offer too many new ideas, but he does reinforce his support for old ideas — concealed carry in National Parks, voting against the Assault Weapons Ban, prohibiting the confiscation of firearms during a national emergency back in 2007 (?!?! — what the hell?!?!).  Allen does not mention the individual mandate recently held up by the Supreme Court, though… but supports the “Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens.”  Still a little shocked with the Homeland Security Bill… good vote against, George.

On economic freedom, Allen pledges a proposals to ease the burden of government on working families.  Taxes on job creators are to be reduced to (not by) 20%, American citizens can opt for a flat tax for individuals, force all new regulations to outline the impact on the economy as they are proposed, repeal and replace Obamacare, and aggressively pursue America’s energy resources — a pet project of Allen’s for some time.

…and that’s your layman’s summary of Allen’s 14-pager.

So what do you think?  Ambitious?  Realistic?  Not bold enough?  Too wonky?  Don’t take my summary for it… read it through and share with others.  Hat’s off to George Allen for a comprehensive, detailed plan of attack for working families that can be discussed and debated.

I eagerly look forward to Tim Kaine’s alternatives… because I’m sure confiscating my firearms during a national “emergency” is right out of his gun-grabbing playbook… I still can’t believe that one.  Glad that Allen opposed it!!!