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Donner Posts $206K in FEC Filing

U.S. Senate candidate Timothy Donner has announced first, posting a respectable $206,000 in the latest FEC filing report.

Donner totaled more than $206,000 in his campaign account, including more than $91,000 in individual contributions.

With his NO BUSINESS AS USUAL platform, the Virginia conservative has attracted national attention with more than 100 individual contributions. Conservative activists, ordinary citizens, former US Ambassadors, heads of prestigious national conservative organizations and a retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral stepped up to support the conservative Donner, who has proven – as was written recently about him – that “while he is new to politics, he is certainly no political neophyte.”

…and after his recent communications staff shake up, he has certainly mended fences.

Will follow up with other U.S. Senate candidates FEC announcements as they come!