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On the air with Tom Garrett, Phil Van Cleave and Hawes Spencer

On this podcast edition [1] of “The Score” radio show…

Scott Lee talks with Tom Garrett, the commonwealth’s attorney in Louisa County and a candidate for the new 22nd Senate district, about his campaign, his principles, and much more.

Phil Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League joins us to discuss Fairfax County’s tizzy over the greatest threat to mankind in this or any age: BB guns…yes, BB guns.

Also joining Scott is Hawes Spencer, editor and publisher of “The Hook,” regarding the dodgy dealings (and huge amounts of taxpayer money) surrounding Biscuit Run, a state park created in the waning days of the Kaine administration.

And in the Two Minute Drill Jim Hoeft tackles the thorny problem of race and congressional redistricting. Well, it’s not really that thorny…turns out, it’s all just partisan gamesmanship.

“The Score” can be heard on these [2] broadcast stations and internet talk networks.