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On the air with Jim Bacon and Paul Chesser

On this podcast edition [1] of “The Score” radio show…

We talk with our good friend and “Boomergeddon” author Jim Bacon about Virginia’s pitiful ninth place finish in the Mercatus Center’s “Freedom in the 50 States” report. Jim and Scott have some ideas on why Virginia, the cradle of American liberty, fares so poorly, and how we can improve our rankings.

Scott Lee also talks with Paul Chesser, executive director of the American Tradition Institute, about how General Motors has been playing fast and loose with carbon credits and tax credits…all over a car named “Volt.”

And Bearing Drift’s own Jim Hoeft runs a tough “Two Minute Drill” on the EPA and its anti-business agenda, and the NLRB for meddling in the free market.

“The Score” can be heard on these [2] broadcast stations and internet talk networks.

And what’s this? A bit of positive press for the show from Tea Party Review Magazine [3].