Rep. Griffith Endorses Tucker in 22nd

As first reported on Bearing Drift, breaking news from the Virginia 22nd State Senate — Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-09) has endorsed former Speaker Vance Wilkins aide and Amherst Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Claudia Tucker.  The press release is as follows:

Rep. Morgan Griffith Endorses Claudia Tucker for State Senate in 22nd

– Amherst Supervisors Chairwoman Seeking GOP Nomination –


AMHERST – Congressman Morgan Griffith (9th District) today announced his endorsement of Claudia Tucker, Chairwoman of the Amherst County Board of Supervisors, as she seeks the Republican nomination to run for the Virginia Senate in the 22ndDistrict. Tucker, a leader in the local business community, runs her family farm with her husband Bill, and pledges to bring a common sense, private sector approach to the legislature.

“I am pleased to endorse Claudia Tucker for State Senate,” said Griffith. “Claudia knows the way state government works, and she knows how to balance a budget.  She helped balance the books in Amherst County without raising taxes, and has run her own family farm as well.  All of these make her a great candidate for the Senate.”

“It’s a testament to the strength of our campaign that a rural leader like Congressman Griffith is on our side,” Tucker said. “I knew him for years in the Virginia legislature and know how strong his passion is for doing what’s right for Virginia. I appreciate his help and support and look forward to working with him as we move forward in this race.”

Tucker adds Rep. Morgan Griffith to an impressive, growing list of endorsements. Already she has secured the backing of Frank Campbell, the Vice Chairman of the Amherst Board of Supervisors, Amherst Supervisor Don Kidd (former Chairman), Amherst Supervisor Robert Kidd (also President of the Amherst Farm Bureau), and Sam DeLaura, Vice Chair of the Amherst Republican Party. Tucker also enjoys the support of various local businesses: Elkwood, Blue Ridge Realty, Ritchie’s Barbershop, Indian Creek Bed and Stable and The Old Store at Lowesville.

Just last month, Tucker worked with the Amherst Supervisors to pass a balanced county budget without increasing taxes.

“If we want to send another attorney to Richmond, we have lots of choices. If we want to send a common sense, experienced businessperson we have one choice,” Tucker said. “I’ve worked in private business and I’ve run my family farm. I know what it means to balance a budget, both on the county level and in the private sector.”

Tucker currently serves as Senior Director of State Government Affairs for Medco Health Solutions, a Fortune 50 company, and oversees relations with twelve state legislatures. She was previously chief of staff to former House of Delegates Speaker Vance Wilkins. One of the first women hired by Philip Morris USA, Tucker was elected to the Amherst Board of Supervisors in 2009 and quickly rose to the position of chairwoman.Tucker is a past member of the Amherst County Planning Commission; an ex-officio member of the Amherst County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, a past vice-president of the Amherst County Farm Bureau, a member of the Amherst-Nelson Beef Producers and member of the American Forage and Grasslands Council. She is a member of the Lowesville Business Association and of Amherst Presbyterian Church.

Tucker, 54, and her husband Bill live at Forest Hill, an 18th century family home that they have lovingly restored. Tucker Family Farms is a 7th generation family farm that has won numerous State and National award for conservation and best farming practices. They have three daughters: Taylor, Ruth and Avery.

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